Affilated to Sikkim University, A Central University established by an
Act of Parliament of India, 2007 Approved by GOS, recognised by AICTE and PCI
Act of Parliament of India, 2007 Approved by GOS, recognised by AICTE and PCI

Ancillary Teaching Faculty
- Mr. Neeraj Rai, Lab Technician
- Mr. Jewan Pradhan, Lab Assistant
- Mr. Rana Das, Lab Assistant
- Mr. Bhuwan Chhetri, Lab Assistant
- Mr. Durga Gurung, Lab Assistant
- Mr. Bijay Pradhan, Lab Assistant
Supporting Staff
- Mr. Gobinda Chetry, Account Officer
- Mr. Tarun Ghosh, Librarian
- Mr. Prakash Kazi Shakya, Cashier
- Ms. Lata Sharma, Computer Operator
- Ms. Diki Sherpa, Office Clerk
- Mr. Neel Kumar Chhetri, Account Asst.
- Ms. Bishnu Luitel, Account Asst.
- Mrs. Bidhya Pradhan, Hostel Warden (Girls')
- Mr. Zamyang Bhutia, Hostel Warden (Boys')
- Mrs. Rinchen Bhutia, Library Assistant
- Mr. Ram Saran Sha, Electrician
- Mr. Shawn Kumar Rai, Incharge, Photocopy Centre
- Mr. Punya Pd. Sanyasi, Field Supervisor
- Mr. Ramesh Bhujel, Plumber
- Mr. Puspa Phuyel, Driver
- Mr. Diwas Subba, Driver
- Mr. Amit Pradhan, Driver
- Mr. Sanjay Biswas, Carpenter
- Mr. Damber Prasad Pradhan, Security Guard
- Mr. Gyan Tshering Lepcha, Security Guard
- Mr. Pralad Chhetri, Animal House Caretaker
- Mrs. Sangita Rai, Supporting Service Staff
- Mrs. Sita Khawas, Supporting Service Staff
- Mrs. Tara Sharma, Supporting Service Staff
- Mrs. Meena Lohar, Supporting Service Staff
- Mr. Ram Bdr. Thapa, Supporting Service Staff