Affilated to Sikkim University, A Central University established by an
Act of Parliament of India, 2007 Approved by GOS, recognised by AICTE and PCI
Act of Parliament of India, 2007 Approved by GOS, recognised by AICTE and PCI
Staying of the students in the Hostels provided by the Institution is compulsory. There are separate Hostels for Boys and Girls student.
Mess Committee
The Mess committee in the hostel headed by the Director, controlled and run by the students themselves takes pride in providing best food to all the students in the lowest possible cost making it favourably economic for the students.
Hostel Management Committee
Apart from the appointed hostel superintendents, the Institute has set up a Hostel Management Committee for regulating the hostel maintenance. This committee ensures the overall maintenance of the hostel, rules and regulations and consistently renders strict vigilance in the hostels. Staying in hostels during the course period is compulsory for all students.